After stumbling across a YouTube episode of the Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast, a Ukrainian man, of Polish descent, contacted my Tech pro friend Bob. I asked Bob to tell the fellow he could email me, if he wished. The conversations below then happened. But for Bob, there would be no podcast, nor happy new beginning for the Ukrainian and his tribe.
Well, blow me over with a feather, Lev!Thank you so much for writing. Bob told me about you and other people overseas, who had listened to our podcast and discussed it, and I told him to tell people overseas, if they wish to correspond, I respond to emails, and, if invited, join their online discussion groups.I'd love to come to Poland and meet you and your grand momma, and some of your friends. Alas, in my 80th year, I have lots of aches and pains, and don't travel much anymore. I have been twice on other side of the planet, and I don't have an updated passport. Bob has been on the other side of the planet, too. We might talk about some of that in tonight's interview, which will become a podcast.I told Bob just a little while before seeing your email, that I think all Russian people may have a heap big spiritual trial, due to Russia is a great bear. Indigenous American peoples view the bear as being about introspeciton - looking in the mirror. It is generally thought the real Americans came from Siberia across a frozen ocean or exposed land mass into North America, and they brought some of the great bear and its clan with them.So, if I were a Russian, I'd be giving that lots of thought. As should all of Christendom, given, in the Gospels, Jesus advised first taking the beam out of our own eye, before attempting to remove a spect from someone else's eye. I wonder how Vladimir Putin would like that kind of Judo?My great grandfather was a Polish Jew. He's the 5th person described in A FEW REMARKABLE ALABAMA PEOPLE I HAVE KNOWN. Below is a link to a free read of that little book. At the end are links to 2 companion books.All the best, I know it's pretty scary over there now.Sloan Bashinsky
Dang, Lev, you cannot imagine how much I want to come to Poland, then to Ukraine, then to Russia. I could get a new passport and stop using that excuse for not leaping over there.Alas, I am not woofing (spoofing, joking), when i say I have lots of aches and pains. Every day is very difficult physically for me. My feet and lower legs are numb. I can use them, but I have to take breaks. My GI tract has forgotten its original design purpose, and I feel poisoned a great deal of the time. After radiation treatment last year for prostate cancer, my kidneys are but shadows of their own selves, and I can't remember when I had an erection, other than one dream about 2 months ago. Walking uphill just a little bit winds me, and sometimes when my gut is really lost and confused, I feel like I'm going to pass out and throw up at the same time, and I have to rest and let it pass.Oddly, I can walk, I can drive a car, I can play chess with friends away from my apartment, and I can pay duplicate bridge at a local bridge club, although when my gut is at its most lost and confused, that affects my play and I have to double down and grit out the games as if everything is just fine. Something seems to take over when I do a podcast with Bob, and these things I tell you about me are not noticeable.Also, these aches and ails are aggravated and enhanced by the spirit work I do. My psyche and body absorb the rough and terrible and poisonous energies in the situations I am arranged and given to engage. My body is like a weather vane, a radar disk, a satellite eye in the sky, a tuning fork, a spider web that seines and filters, a sewerage treatment plant though which all manner of God awful shit passes, while I deal with the source internally and in this world, until it leaves me, and the next awful sonic wave starts arriving. Often I am processing two or three or even four awful sonic waves at the same time. It's been that way a long time.I have Ukraine and Russia inside of me now, among other things. I don't know where that's headed, but I know it ramped up when you invited me to come to you, and in the shaman and Melchizedek sense, I am there now. How that might play out in human ways, i have no clue. But I am there. And, I am in other places. This might all seem like gobbledygook and gibberish, but it is very real in Bear World.I wonder if you mind if I make your and my correspondence a new chapter in a book I am writing at its own google blogspot, The Yin and the Yang of the Law? I would change your name, if you don't want it public.Sloan
It feel good and make heart warm again.Mansy people witness many strange things. See beam ships before tunguska. In crater, holy men say no visit. May 10 years pass young people go see it is nature of us. Many bring metal and ore and glass to camp. USSR Neighbor Police go on hunt for these pieces. Even today Mansy people given stipend by pigshit government to be quiet. Babushka's babushka mansy peoples.i have seen saucer. Big Belly who come last night he see one shape of wing. Marta and I see beam ship. they are there if u are looking. have the eyes to see. most people have eyes but not kind of eyes for that. Babushka show me first one. USSR MiGs try to shoot it down. Mistake. talk to your babushka as meemaw in usa rights?no matter. i think we clear.we have many power problems where we staying. it cutoff then come on when Alexi Big Belly come. He make it to Poland. He take and wire in 250v with hard wire and fuse. fire risk no mores. Big Belly Alexi electrical studier and lecturer of Kyiv Sciences and Mathematics advanced college.Bob play guitar. Send sound file. We has sovtek guitar player speaker loudness. Very loud. Copy Marshall. Big Belly Alexi send file back but it kust him noodling.We watch podcast. Even Babushka watch. She say you felt touch of angels that are heavenly.Please forgive writings. I work at english very hard but no master of tounge. hehehe Marta say i no master of tounge but she mean something else. big laugh. i catch mitten full of hell when she read this.My mama no leave her home when shit hit goose near maripul. She say if God call her, she answer, no sooner, no later. She not call. No write. Polises abandoned most all things. Big Belly come here on police Ural. I find polises Lada Niva. Babushka not drink but mama take drink of vodka sometime. i find open bottle but it pretty full. still she had drink and shrapel blew thru hut. she catch big piece in inner leg near hip and try stand. she loose footings and fall forward and her head break open.grave digger say she felt nothing. no pains. how he no? grave diggers should not talk.There are 20 of us now. Bob Carpenter say you want to use our talks. that fine. he contact us at 5:26pm. It 5:45pm now, I thinks.we are 20 world has forgot. Big Belly Alexi prob count for 3 but if I say so he wire mains to my ball sack or asshole. never taste marta again. so count is now 20.tell motherfucker coward dogfucker polises they find Lada Niva 2121 Police truck at mama's house. it out of gas and i leave it. or not. maybe youtube not like. youtube use big thumb on small creators. not right. free tv from you so i not fuck up good thing, yes ?sincerest in friendshipLev. and the other 20 world has foregone
What a balck saga, Lev, and with some real wit and chuckles.I want to publish our back and forth in new chapter at The Yin and the Yang of the Law ( YouTube has no jurisdiction there.The description of your mother being sent to God is raw and yet beautiful, perhaps something Tolstoy would appreciate, although I can't imagine him appreciating the current Russian Attila.Maybe when Bob and I do podcast tonight, I will explain the first shaman rituals angels taught me to do. Not everyone can do them, I came to learn, it must depend in wiring in psyche, soul? Here's how to do it.First ritualGo off by yourself where it's quiet. Sit comfortably, or lie down on your back. Close your eyes. Ask God to show you what you now need to see, hear, feel. Wait. Perhaps you will see something. Or hear something. Or feel something in your emotions. Or feel it in your body somewhere. Or any or all of the above. Or you remember something. If it comes, sit with it a little while, then get on with what you were doing before the ritual. A process has begun in you.You can do that ritual several times a day, if you wish. I did it several times a day when it first came to me how to do it. It is, I think, the same ritual St. John of the Cross used to provoke in himself a deep, searing, difficult journey inside himself into the heart of God. His cloistered monk journey was entirely internal. And by the time it ended, he was fused with God. His physical body was preserved and did not rot. I did not go that way. God wanted me to remain in the world, getting my hands dirty.A second ritual, which is similar to the first, starts the same way. Get somewhere quiet, sit comfortably or lie on your back, with your eyes closed. Think of something you need help with. Or, which you think needs help. It can be something outside of you in the world. Ask God to show you spriit medicine for it. Wait. You might see something, hear something, feel an emotion, feel something in your body. Remember something. Any one or all of that. If it comes, sit with it a little while and get on with your day. You can do this ritual several times a day, as well. This ritual causes things in the external world to shift.The two rituals open up the feminine side of a person and a channel between him/her and God, Heaven, ETC.For a while, I suggest, these two rituals are done for personal reasons only, to get you moving deeper toward God. But, yes, the second ritual can be done for your family, friends, Poland, Ukraine, or a city or place in it, and for Russia. And, for its leader. However, the more you bite off, the more difficult the chewing might is very important not to try to impose your will or try to make something happen you want to happen. The rituals are about surrendering to God and letting God take you and any topic/ situation you choose where God wants that to go.Feel free to share my written descriptions and explanations of the two rituals with other people.I find myself wondering what might happen if a lot of people in Poland, Ukraine and Russia are doing these rituals regularly. Same, if in America. Same if everywhere on this planet.All my best,Sloan
Lev, Bob and I just did a podcast, which explains the two rituals."Two sacred shaman rituals the people of Ukraine can apply to themselves, their country and Russia"
The podcast description explains the ritualts again. The written description is a revised version of what I described of the rituals in my previous email to you, so please use the revised description at the podcast to share with other people. Or, if you wish, here it is below:----------------------------In this podcast, The Redneck Mystic explains two shaman rituals angels taught him. Sloan strongly recommends listening to the podcast, before trying to use the rituals, which are further explained below. The two rituals open up the feminine side of a person and a channel between him/her and God, Heaven, ETC. However, not everyone can do the rituals; that must depend on wiring in the psyche and soul?First shaman ritualGo off by yourself where it's quiet. Sit comfortably, or lie down on your back. Close your eyes. Ask God to show you what you now need to see, hear, feel. Wait. Perhaps you will see something. Or hear something. Or feel an emotion. Or feel something in your body. Or you remember something. Or, any and/or all of the above. If something comes, sit with it a little while, then get on with what you were doing before the ritual. A process has begun in you. Where the process will take you cannot be known.You can do the first ritual several times a day. I did it several times a day when it first came to me how to do it. I think this is the same ritual St. John of the Cross used to provoke a deep, searing, difficult inward journey into the heart of God. His cloistered monk journey was entirely internal, ever into the darkness, and by the time it ended, he was fused with God. His physical body was preserved and did not rot. He had turned himself into spiritual gold. You can read more about that in SAINT JOHN OF THE CROSS: ALCHEMIST OF THE SOUL, by Antonio T. de Nicholas.I did not go the cloistered monk way. God wanted me to remain in the world, getting my hands dirty, as I went through the darkness inside me and around me.The second shaman ritual is applied to the external world.Get somewhere quiet, sit comfortably or lie on your back, with your eyes closed. Think of something that you need help with. Or, which you think needs help. It can be something outside of you in the world. Ask God to show you Spirit Medicine for it. Wait. Perhaps you will see something. Or hear something. Or feel an emotion. Or feel something in your body. Or you remember something. Or, any and/or all of the above. If something comes, sit with it a little while, then get on with what you were doing before the ritual. You can do this ritual several times a day. This ritual causes things in the external world to shift.For a while, I suggest these two shaman rituals be done for deeply personal reasons, to get you moving deeper toward God. But, yes, the second ritual can be done for where you live and for your nation. For example, people in Poland, Ukraine and Russia can do the second ritual for those countries and their leaders.I wonder what it might be like if 20,000 Ukrainians do the second shaman ritual for Ukraine and its President, and for Russia and its President?I wonder what it might be like if 20,000 Americans do the second shaman ritual for President Joe Biden, Congress, the Supreme Court, Donald Trump, school children and their teachers?It is very important not to try to impose your will and make something happen. The shaman rituals are about surrendering to God and letting God take you and any topic/ situation you choose where God wants that to go.Perhaps the more you bite off, the more difficult the chewing might become inside of youFeel free to share this description and explanation of the two shaman rituals with other people.
During that back and forth, Lev made this comment under a podcast:
We open betting pool as soon as you arrive. First you meet meemaw. Then you meet my 17 classmaters. Meemaw keep you warm and share many fine tales. 14 classmaters are with the plan. Three think you and Bob escape state hospital. Those three probably dropped on head as small child. They meet you, they realize you come from Alabama Bear line. Even know Bear Briant. You bring Sabanov too. Two mighty bear mens of Alabama shirley you make quick work of Putin. Marta says you must have been very cute when younger. Largeman Sasha says you bring the slack to Putin. Putin no wrestle zoo tiger with much drugs in system mighty Alabama Bear Man Bashinsky deliver the PAIN to Putin. Then we go home to Ukraine. You come with meemaw. My babushka my meemaw make sure you never are cold and you never go hungry. Take the slack and break tyrant back ! #subgenius #alabamabearmanbashinski
You crack me up, Lev - again :-). Many moons ago, I trained in a Japanese karate dojo in Birmingham, and learned enough to get myself hurt pretty good sparring with other wanna be Bruce Lees (he was not karate, but was kung fu, which is quite different). You also flatter me. And, definitely you entice me. Alas, no pass port and nearly worn out body are in the way. Yet, I really do wish I could visit with you and your "clan". I'm sure that would fill in lots of holes in my deprived ignorance of Poland, Ukraine and Russia. Bob told me of you and others hiding in sewers during bomb and rocket attacks, because that was the safest place to be, Americans cannot fathom just how ignorant they are, and lucky they are, yet they seem driven to turn America into a shooting war. Thanks to you, I have been wondering what it would be like to talk with Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin, or somewhere in Russia. I read recently that Elon Musk had challenged Putin to a duel, and if Musk won, Putin would stop invading Ukraine. I don't know if Musk ever shot a pistol, but I imagine former KGB Putin knows how to shoot. I shoot off my mouth plenty, and it sometimes gets me in hot water. Maybe I spend rest of my days in Siberia gulag? More seriously, given how my body is being twisted and torqued internally, maybe I'm doing something in Russia metaphysically, thanks to YOU :-). in 1999, I was taken in a vision way up above Russia, like where satellites orbit the planet, and I saw a large glass dome over Russia and something was sprayed inside the dome to fumigate it. I wonder now if my leg was pulled back then, or if the vision was of a future time. Looks to me America and Russia both need fumigating :-).
Lev, I can't express sufficiently my appreciation of your input and humor. In our email back and forth, I explained how hindered I am physically, but not in spiritual ways, and that I'm already over there in spirit ways, doing stuff, of which I'm unaware mentally. I'm taking it very hard inside of my physical body, and other things I engage hit me hard in that way. These podcasts hit me hard in that way. I'm like a sewerage treatment plant. So much fun :-). Your comments also are operating in that sewerage plant in some way or another, I am really hoping something happens that affects the Russian bear in ways that help the people in Ukraine. That said, I think Western Europe made a grave mistake by becoming dependent on Russian oil, natural gas and wheat, which now causes Western Europe to tell Russia adios and suffer tremendous economic and social distress caused by much higher fuel costs and wheat shortages.
keep watching series you make with Bob.Remember everyone different and they no think like you think.You look in bad pains and causes pains to watch my eyes.Bob care much for you and he wire us enough money to find a UN Red Cross truck. We are going to try to find permanent place. Bob spend much money to help us. Fourteen of us are ethnic Jew. We find home in Israel.Bob I do not know why he do this, other than he live the way you talks and have made life for you.Our other six studentmates have Polish fugee papers. So they stay in Poland.Bob say that he wish to make money left work for good.
It save our lives because we no have way to get paperwork process through barrister lawyerman.
We not have much to pack but we packing.Thank you for videos to give me peace and Bob say money come from you as sourch. Thank you for life.
Bob did not tell me he sent you money for you and your tribe. I don’t know why I didn’t think to ask if you needed money to get out of there. but I’m glad Bob did. Please let me know if you need more money to get to Israel. I have never been in a shooting war zone and can’t begin to imagine what that’s like for you and your tribe. Putin is a monster, deserves monster justice in this lifetime, and next life he is wart on hyena’s ass.
Complete change. A monkey with balls made out of tin no freeze them off here.We in high rise for another week. It is medical quarantine. We gets jobs guarantee. We no have to military IDF- instead can do government service instead. I do much with mathematics and physics where university have position for me to make lectures or work in lab for make to help students no so good with the maths.Papa was Polish jew who family immigrate to Ukrain and they had been miners of Polands. Miners of Ukraine then and Byelorussia.Papa say he at one with earth because so much of her was inside him and so much of his family blood inside her vanes.I not born yet when reactor go boom. Mama been typist inside Power Study Complex, and she was give big bottle of iodine. People laugh about huge bottle of iodine pills being give out. Mama buy bottles from other workers.A worker from Prypyat come to hospital and he not have normal burns. Nurses are all taking those iodine pills. Mama have hers squirreled away and one day militaries men come with pistol and say "Give your iodine alotment or give your breaths last". Peoples had sold the bottles so many lined up and shot. Mama give her bottle to army but they tell her she is suspect of have more. She get moved to worse job.Papa was part of crew who dug the tunnel for heat exchange liquid nitrogen device under the reactor. Most poeples no know this but there were four RBMK reactors at Chernobyl. One blew and opened hell up very bads. The heat from the radionationactitiy so bad everyone strip down and papa say it just assholes elbows cocks balls and heads but packed so tight and so dark you go to hand a man a cantine and you jack him off instead. Prob not best story to recount on show or blog but up to you. Papa did not have habit of jacking off men just funny way of saying they very tightly packed. Always inside was an extra wheel barrow. Mens from the military comes in and says move wheelbarrow you not use it to remove soil. One of soldiers observing work collapsed from heat and he got thrown into wheelbarrow and taken outside and hosed off. Then soldiers quit complaining of extra wheel barrow.All the time everyone in family is taking iodine pills mama squirrel away. When they start to run low old woman tell mama to go to horse breeder and trader from bottles of iodine and pour them into pan on oven and heat slow to evap. It made crystales and family take those.Papa have little brother who only 14 and he was brought in to work "reclaim crew". Every animal, pet, livestock, wolf, bear anything within the exclude zone- shot dead. Soviet governements so running out of men and guns that they issue old bolt rifles from before the second war.After the site was sealed off the other 3 reactors ran until the final reactor was shut down years back no longs ago.Papa, his brother, mama, and many others told they never able to have children.Papa and mama not particularly trying and some years later I lucky sperm who fight off all the others with a stick and mama with child.So what is point to all this mess of talk ?Marta is with child. Doctors find the little parasite. Baby in her like alien that go kapchew out of thoracic ribs.In the country where mama and papa retire outside of Mauripol there is saying to get girl in trouble.I know it is mine so I have her in much trouble. Lev should probably not procreate. He too touched in head by the angels.Bob no answer emails we send. He say "Cheer Sloan up. Write to him." I ask Bob if we can repay him or yous. He say he sell some truck or trucks like Lada Niva to repay you, which we not intends. If we cause rift between yous we go back to Ukraine or we get money. Maybe sell Big Belly Alexi for heating oil or they make transmission fluid from his fat when rendered. In worst days of Stalin corpses of the once lived were stripped of fat to make candles. This is true.Papa died early at 56. His brother not pay attention to fact that his balls always sore and eventually womens gossip they size of softballs. Papa get him to go to doctors but it too late. Papa had high red bloods and high copper. He would bleed himself to get rid of this. Still not enough done. Papa say Lev go do good.So yes, I am Polski, I am Jew, I am Ukrainian though on paper. In old Soviet Union there was lack of choice so to say. Mama and Papa get moved outside Mauripol and they stay because they no know nothing elses.I just another human being in fish bowl like you at end of day Alabama Bear Bashinski.I think Bob may be ghost in machine. I not know. It is nearly 6am here in Israel. Time to hit gym so I no end in candle factory like big belly Alexi.Little Sasha, Sobchek, Neimov, Leinadev, Peitor, and Reinard all go to Czech Republic. Their choice I no judge. Neimov get caught saying before how he should drug our food and then rob the Jew Rats he meant us and then leave us. Honestly there be no big miss for him but others ok peoples just trying to make it and not agree to rob or drug us.The rest of us? Israel. Except we no have to put granny on roof of truck like on favorite TV Beverly Hillbillies. We fly big jet. Tablets here at quarantine good. Doctors competent and not butchered. Sasha the Greb have diabetes and infected leg. It being treated and it look healthy and they give him medicines he stick in other good leg. Stayed much longer in Poland and plan was to buy BIG ball of opium, make him eat it and get out hack saw and then cauterize wound with torch and flat steel. Someone make better use of hacksaw now if they find it in Poland.First thing I do when clear quarantine is to go to Salt Sea Dead Sea and I floats like flotsam and jetsam. Make big smile. Even take Marta if it is safe for little parasite we have bred. I make joke of little parasite because she had been very hunger. She had two teeth hurting her and she always wants milks. I notice she had not bled in a few weeks and I figure I may have launched torpedo that sunk Marta.Oh shit. It past 6am. Goodbyes for now. Please be of cheer! You are loved, Babushka even say you best when you grin. Please be wells.
Good to hear from you, Lev.So very glad you and your friends and your grandmother are in safe place. Bob told me the other day that you had arrived safely. He has a deep streak about having to pay his own way. I told him several times to stop talking about repaying the money he sent to help all of you. Maybe I need to get out my cave man club and bonk his head a few times.Your Chernobyl report is a horror show, but not fiction. I imagine it might interest some people, as it comes from there, not from FOX, CNN, PRAVDA, etc.I'm not feeling well, and am seeing gastroenterologist doctor again tomorrow. It's an old ailment, came on in one day, no warning, when I was 26. It's been chewing on me ever since, sometimes harder than other times. It took turn for worse recently. Very rough physically, my gut perhaps getting even with me for something stupid, gutless, I did in my med-twenties. Metaphysical cause, in other words. Modern medicine doesn't have much kinship with illness not measurable in laboratory.The only med that ever laid it down in my gut was valium, which was prescribed to calm me down during a rough patch, not long before I started practicing law in 1973, after leaving my father's company. Valium isn't prescribed for irritable bowel syndrome, but it sure helped me 50 years ago, until I decided to stop using it, or become drug addict.
So, maybe I get snatched up by ET spaceship and little green doctors take a pass at it with their light years beyond human medical technology. Will let you know if that happens and they deposit me back on Earth.
Meanwhile, I'm so very happy all of you are getting fresh starts in safer places than Putin HELL. Perhaps he gets to come back in next lifetime inside a nuclear reactor, which takes about 50 years to cook him good and proper.
As for the little parasite you snuck into Marta's belly, what a beautiful thing during such horrible time for you and many people in Ukraine, where Bob told me you took shelter in sewers during Russian attacks, because sewers were safer than any place else. Maybe little parasite grow up and do something that change whole world for better. If that's its destiny, you and Marta gonna have your hands full. Probably gonna have your hands full anyway. Raising child to be all she/he can be, instead of what we and society think should be, is truly special job God gives parents.
Lev, please don't talk any more to me about money Bob sent you. I gave him hell for not telling me what he was up to, which I learned from you, and I loved him for helping you and your tribe in that way. Learning from you and Bob that he had been able to get you and your tribe a lawyer specialist to get all of you out of Ukraine to safe places was the best news for me in very long time. It warmed my heart.
If you are just dying to spend money you make in Israel, make sure Marta and parasite comfortable. If you make a lot of money in Israel, maybe you help a few Ukraine people relocate to safer place. Maybe Archangel Michael help Putin relocate to safer place for Ukraine people - like the sun side of Venus 😎.
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