A koan is something like a spiritual riddle in Buddhism. Such as, "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" Silence
This morning, a good friend reported being visited by Archangel Michael in a dream last night. Michael mentioned my attempt to find receptivity at a Reddit spirituality group for some of what I had been taught the old-fashioned way about the Melchizedek priest training. Then, there was some kind of commencement exercise, a graduation ceremony. Michael told my friend that there are a few Melchizedek priest candidates graduating, who can be put to good use even though there is very little receptivity to what that they know and experience. Then, the headmaster of the school told Michael there were no Melchizedek priest graduates.
Later today, I wondered if the dream was meant to point me toward a post last week into a Reddit spirituality group, and my and other people's responses thereto, on which I sat and did not publish (thus, graduate)?
Energetic shift
Does anyone else feel as though we are heading for a complete reset. That we have been living a ridiculous life for so long and now more and more people are starting to question this. Working 40 hours a week to merely exist. Doing a job we aren’t arsed about to put money in the back pockets of the large corporations. I guarantee If I was to run a poll and ask how many people would rather do a 4 hour work day and work 4 days a week the majority would vote yes. This is a life we could actually have but the majority of us do not have any control. I feel people are starting to question things a lot more and there is a tense energy in the air. I don’t know how much longer we can continue confirming and living this life. The world seems to be heading for a reset. Humanity and the all of the worlds species will be completely wiped out and we are all just plodding along working as oppose to spending time in nature, or connecting and being with our friends and family?! We need to all come together and start to push change.
Puzzleheaded (me)If you, we, watch television news, read online news online, use social media, watch podcasts, we know there is zero chance we will all come together and there is 100-percent chance humanity, in the main, is devolving, As above, so below, As below, so above, paint the actual picture. The heavens are a screwed up, humanity is screwed up, the two reflect each other. It's on every person to separate from the herd, or not; to evolve, or not; to experience the fire and the rain of real soul alchemy, or not. No two people are alike, and there is no pat formula that works across the board. However, ruthless and relentless self-examination and introspection are essential, and that is not something the ego cares for even a little bit, nor does Evil, which is very real, as humanity proves every day. I cannot properly X-ray my own soul without help of angels known in the Bible. If my saying angels bothers some people, they can substitute Spirit World, or Source, or Force. It matters not to me. What matters is people need something far bigger and smarter than themselves to help them deal with their own egos and Evil.
devianceisurissueI have found the best course of action to be internal meditative work. If it feels like fear and hatred or some derivation of it try to understand it. If it feels like love and compassion and acceptance and empathy, then you're on the right course. And those still moments where coincidences build and synchronicities expose themselves to you, the messaging is clear. It's from within your own ego mind that the fear division allows the construct to grip you. You are loved so love yourself but love everyone else as you love yourself.Ixora
For I am you. You are me. Every act of love I give is a reflection of self. The only way for me to truly find peace, is to understand that my ego has created my perception, and if I am feeling ANYTHING other than Love, Joy, Peace in this world, than my perception is wrong and I am disconnected from spirit.Just corroborating your statement! The way the ego and our soul work in tandem is really quite simple. It's so simple understand but it takes so much practice and undoing many years of what the world has taught us. I was told by my teachers that everything I learned growing up was a lie told by the world. A belief that needed to be changed. It took years of hard inner work of meticulously pulling apart my beliefs to understand that I was the one forming the world I saw.
devianceisurissueAlmost had a mental breakdown in my Awakening and since. Source provides.PuzzleheadedThat goes along with waking up and increasingly feeling like you are no longer from this planet but are still living on it.
hjayThis was beautifully said. And this is been my life for the past 6 years on my spiritual journey. I've done so much work on myself I don't even recognize who I am now and who I used to be. Searching hunting and battling every mental and emotional fear or anxiety to become the highest version of myself. I had no standards before my journey but now I have the highest expectations for myself
LucidNomadicDreamerWe're living the days before the flood except Noah isn't one person speaking to "God". All of us here have spoken to Gaia. She has told us all the same thing: build an ark. Make your life one that is harmonious with Her. Once again, we must resume our role as the guardians of the soil. Gaia is the Universe and She will protect those that protect her. The rest shall perish.
It does seem that way on a cyclical basis. What I mean is every few generations, we have evolved enough to be better off than our great grandparents could have imagined. This creates a cultural tension between some of the elders and a lot of the young. This change and conflict can be seen by everyone.
And to your points about the 4 hour work week, this rising general awareness has happened before; it is what brought us the 40 hour work week and child labor laws, reigning in the abuses of the self-entitled corporate overlords of olden times. Although I bet if you worked your poll a little differently, asking what kind of work people would thrive the most doing, you'd find we really aren't that committed to 4 hour work weeks. The kind of work is more important to most folks than quantity of that work.
For sensitive people, there are more things they can be aware of but not understand. Sensitive people are more prone to reacting to major changes in energy.
When the Earth changes her energy, it affects all life on the planet. Think major earthquakes for one example; just the energy, not the physical effects. Before an earthquake, there is a standing wave of energy built up between the parts of the crust that are about to move. Sensitive people pick up on this energy, even when that aren't conscious of it or can put a name on it. Our bodies are of the Earth.
This global change in energy distorts and filters everything we see or experience in some way, amplifying some things and nullifying other things. Often times, the things aren't changed at all, just our perception of these things.
Look up "The Population Bomb". It was published in 1968 and focused much of the energy of many other causes on one thing: overpopulation. To summarize: The oceans of the world can only accommodate so many flush toilets. The farms of the world can only make so much food. The fresh water of the world, once assumed to be infinite, is a limited resource that determines life or death.
We've overcome many of the constraints that that book was based on; better farming techniques; better global supply chains. But, as the Theory of Constraints states, when you break one constraint, you find a different one takes its place. Today we call that climate change.
I know it seems like the end of the world, but it seemed like the end of the world in 1968, and it seemed like the end of the world in 1929, and it will seem like the end of the world again.
We get through stuff. We will figure it out. It will be messy and imperfect and really piss some of us off, but we'll get through this.
Life here evolves into greater and greater complexity. Biology really does through a wrench into the physics stuff about entropy. The system of life on this planet will never reach stasis; it will only change and change again. Our part is to change it for the better as best we can. Even if we redistributed all the wealth of all the billionaires and ended world hunger, create universal health care for everyone, and create schools for everyone, we'd end up changing what we created.
We don't all come here for the same reasons, but we all come here with the same basic abilities, and using those abilities changes things.
I'm 70 and have asthma. It was caused in part from breathing copper sulfide (?) gasses as a small child living in a mining town near a copper smelter. A siren would go off when the wind would shift. We, every man, woman, and child, had two minutes to lay down below 18" from the ground and wait for the all clear. The smelter smoke would blow down over that town like a blanket of fog and if you took a deep breath of it, you could die.
My asthma was later worsened by the smog in southern California in the 60s. I went to a shiny new high school on a hillside in the San Gabriel valley. Most of the year and especially in summer, you could not see our namesake, the San Gabriel mountains. There were kids in Orange county that never knew there were 10,000 foot high mountains just to the north of them. Then one winter, a big storm came in and blow all the smog away, and there were the mountains. Normally, the air looked like bourbon. Flights of small airplanes would be restricted to instrument rated pilots, the visibility was so low.
That's not the case anymore. We figure out how to make cleaner burning cars and the air in L.A. is much cleaner. Still city air, but not like the 60s.
The rich farmlands in the Tennessee Valley were severely under utilized because of flooding. Every year, some tributary of the Mississippi River would flood, wiping out families and crops. The Tennessee Valley Authority was created by the federal government, built a series of small dams, which curtailed much of the flooding and created the first electricity many of those rural farmers had ever seen. This is in the 1930s. Imagine that. Most of the states that we call "the South" had lots of farms with no electricity.
If I learned anything from seven decades in this body on this planet in this country, it's we get through things. I don't know how. I don't know when. But I'm still hopeful we will get through this.
Hell, there was a science fair/competition at the national level several years ago and the winner was a high school girl that invented a novel gene treatment for some really difficult cancer. We didn't teach her how to do that; we enabled and supported her, and got out of her way.
One way to look at politics is who needs to get out of the way next. It's a generational thing again. We won't allow a civilian over the age of 65 to fly commercial airliners but we'll allow them to run the world's most powerful military and strongly influence its economy.
I also expect that next week or next month, someone else will post on Reddit something very similar to your post without having read your post. They will pick up on a large change energy and will analyze as best they can what the reasons are for that large change energy, and they'll create a coherent story that explains their reasoning and their emotional responses. And they, too, will be mostly right. And then nothing will happen most of the time.
Sometimes it takes a physical catalyst, like George Floyd, to crystalize us into action. We like our privacy and our lives, even when we're young and overworked and underpaid. But watching a murder slowly play out in real time committed by someone sworn to protect civilians? It brought us to our feet.
So yes, I'm hopeful. I don't have to know or see how things will turn out to be hopeful. I just have to remember who we are. And the best in each of us is more effective than the worst in each of us. We rise to the occasion. This gives me peace.And now that I'm sharing what I've learned about psychic abilities with the Reddit communities, how to ground and run energy, read an aura, heal yourself, I, too, am getting out of the way. I have no goal for what these younger folks who learn these techniques must do with what they learn. I know what the techniques can accomplish and how they accomplish that. I know what I've done with these techniques. So I share them and get out of the way.
Dinosaurs, who have truly seen the fire and the rain, still roam this world, but are we a dying breed?The personal and collective metaphysical, spiritual, not of this world factors aside, it sure looks crystal clear to me that humanity is on a fast track to destroy the planet on which ii lives. Nikola Telsa wannabe Elon Musk knows this very well; otherwise, why does he build space ships he hopes will allow him and his family and loved ones to move to Mars? What Martian, if such exists, in his, her, its right mind, wants human beings to live on Mars? So, back to the metaphysical, spiritual, not of this world factors.
It has been said, it is better not to start on the spiritual path, than to start and then leave it. The fire and the rain are like the law's Jealous Mistress. The fire and the rain require every soul to be X-rayed and X-rayed and X-rayed, until there are no secrets left, nor any fig leaves. The fire and the rain take no prisoners. There is no we must do this or that. For the herd never was right, and never will be. It's on each person, or soul, to be consumed by the fire and the rain, and endure it, or not; embrace it, or not; become one with it, or not. Not to worry, there are many chances to do this, on this planet, or somewhere, contary to what some human religions teach, insist.
But this is now, and the fire and the rain are now, and in the Gospels, Jesus said the Kingdom of God is at hand, now; it is not of this world, and to wake up, stop sleeping. While America is tugged back and forth by the "woke", according to the Republicans and the MAGAs, and by "the great unwoke," who are the Republicans and MAGAs. And by everyone else, who has not been woke up by something much bigger and smarter than themselves.
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