I paid Facebook to boost this episode of the The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast:
No one who commented touched America at war.
Sometimes in the discussion below, I'm AuthorAnomalous-ununsual happenings and sometimes I'm Sloan Bashinsky.
Don Howie
What is a Melchizedek trained Priest?AuthorAnomalous-unusual happenings
That's a good question. Briefly, it is a person, who is directly trained by the Melchizedek, which is a type, or order, of angel. Melchizedek is mentioned in Genesis, Psalms and the New Testament Letter to the Hebrews, which says Jesus is high priest in Melchizedek. The training is awful beyond human imagination, and once it begins, it is like being shanghaied, conscripted, and if you jump ship, you might end up wishing you were never born. The training has nothing to do with mainstream Christianity or its churches, but it can happen to a Christian and even to a Christian minister. It can happen to a Muslim, a Jew, a New Ager, an Atheist. It can happen to women, as well as to men. The podcast episode above reveals how two so trained men view America at war, at home and overseas. There is information and perspectives of American wars in the podcast that cannot be found anywhere else on this planet, as far as we know. We did a podcast tonight, which is being prepared for uploading to YouTube. It is perhaps a sequel regarding "what is Melchizedek?", and there might be more such sequels. Although all pf The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast episodes are presented from the experiences and perspectives of two Melchizedek trained priests. We "blew our cover" with the podcast above.
Stan Mason
Don Howie Jesus was the only one. This is some cult.
AuthorAnomalous-unusual happenings
Stan Mason Christianity today, in the main, is a cult, which deviated far from Jesus in the Gospels. Perhaps, though, watch the podcast, which is about something else altogether: America at war, at home and abroad.
Don Howie
Stan Mason I believe it was David, returning to his throne after winning a war was greeted by Melchizedek and he gave Melchizedek captured booty. A little sketchy on the whole thing. This took about a paragraph or two in the Bible.
The other places Melchizedek is mentioned I believe were references. One I remember was to make someone a Priest of the rank of Melchizedek.
Roger Person
Stan Mason the world is full of bulk and this is more
AuthorAnomalous-unusual happenings
Don Howie It was Abraham returning from war, who gave part of the war spoils to Melchizedek, who is described in that part of Genesis as an eternal being. The Letter to the Hebrews in the New Testament says Jesus is high priest in Melchizedek and people being prepared by God to become priests after the Order Melchizedek forever. That is recognized in to ordination of Catholic, Anglican, Episcopal, Lutheran and Mormon priests, and perhaps other Christendom sects. Yet, that ordination is by their church, but the ordination described in Hebrews is by God, Jesus, Melchizedek Order, which comes after unbelievably difficult tests. Some Christian ministers and individuals suffer that training, but they are very few relative to the whole body of Christendom. I never heard that mentioned in Christian churches, where I once spent a lot of time.
AuthorAnomalous-unusual happenings
Roger Person The world indeed is full of bull, and bull shit, too; and I wonder, since you seem so sure you have it all figured out, if you have invited God, Jesus, then Melchizedek Order, to demonstrate to you that there is more going on than you are aware or can imagine?
Roger Person
If you wish to try to enlighten thats up to you .
Don Howie
Anomalous-unusual happenings thanks for sharing.
I stand corrected in my sketchy memory and you are a absolutely correct.
AuthorAnomalous-unusual happenings
Roger Person It's been my experience that there is little openness to changing views and perspectives; yet for decades now, I have been put into different human situations where I was to say or write what the status quo does not recognize and doesn't want to recognize, and sometimes retaliates. The podcast is simply another iteration.
Don Howie
Roger Person Sorry to say, but my path is strenuous enough for myself and mine. I cannot offer you the enlightenment you seek with your curiosity. Perhaps someone else here could help you? Hope so and I hope your path is easy.Don Howie
Interesting.......so your faith is that there is no faith?
AuthorAnomalous-unusual happeningsDon Howie if your question is to me, who paid FB to boost this podcast's link, I have not said "faith" once here. My faith is cemented in countless direct experiences in dreams, in my sleep, and in my waking life, with something a great deal bigger and smarter than me. I know God exists, Angels exists, Jesus exists. Lucifer exists. Demons exist, just as I know hitting my thumb with a hammer will hurt like hell; just as I know what it feels like to have a beautiful 7-week-old baby boy die of sudden infant death syndrome. Now, if you mean "belief" or "believe", when you say "faith," that is for people who have to yet had the direct experience with that they believe exists, or in faith accept exists.Don Howie
Anomalous-unusual happenings Actually, my comment was meant for Roger Person. I think you and I have a similar belief system.
AuthorAnomalous-unusual happenings
Don Howie Jesus in the Gospels offered a very strenuous path to God; I think were he to be here today, saying what he said back then, he would not be well received by Christendom, and they just might crucify him, again.
Don Howie
Anomalous-unusual happenings I can guarantee that! Crist was considered a threat to both religion and government then and in his second coming, he will be recieved even worse.Stan Mason
Isaiah, Chapter 45 shows your religion to be flawed. God states over and over again that He is the only God. He made all the stars and planets. He wasn’t one in a long, endless line of gods. And you will NEVER be a god over your own planet.
Don Howie
Stan Mason Stan, In the New Testament Christ explained that he will bring Salvation to others, those not of Jewish faith, and make them acceptable to the Father as well.
Don't believe that Jesus Christ ever challenged God.
Stan Mason
Don Howie the LDS church claims that their faithful followers will become Gods. Do you believe that you will some day be a God?
Don Howie
Stan Mason no, I do not.
Stan Mason
Don Howie Jesus never challenged God. Who told you that Christians believe that nonsense?Satan did challenge God. What was his sin? He wanted to become God. He wanted to say, thank you for making me, but step aside, because it’s my time to rule. Satan did challenge God. What was his sin? He wanted to become God. He wanted to say, thank you for making me, but step aside, because it’s my time to rule now.“You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.””
Isaiah 14:13-14 NIV https://bible.com/bible/111/isa.14.13-14.NIVBIBLE.COM
Isaiah 14:13-14 You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascen | New International Version...
Isaiah 14:13-14 You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend | New International Version...
Don Howie
Stan Mason Don't get what you are saying. Yes, Satan did challenge and is still challenging God.
Jesus came as Gods son.
Stan Mason
““You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me. I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior.”
Isaiah 43:10-11 NIV https://bible.com/bible/111/isa.43.10-11.NIV
Isaiah 43:10-11 “You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after | New International Version
Isaiah 43:10-11 “You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after | New International Version
Don Howie
Stan Mason Jesus also said that he was the son of God and that God the Father was in him and he in God.
Stan Mason
Don Howie the “others” were the gentiles. Not people on other planets. Brigham Young claimed that the moon was populated with people six feet tall who dressed like quakers. Was he right, or was he a false prophet?
Stan Mason
Don Howie that is true. Do you believe that Satan and Jesus are brothers?
Don Howie
Stan Mason
Jesus kind of posited himself as a gatekeeper for God, through which we must pass to come to God.
Stan Mason
Don Howie ok, thanks for the clarification. Are you affiliated with the LDS church?
Don Howie
Stan Mason I believe that both were created by God.
Don Howie
No, I am not. As a matter of fact, I'm just a guy who came on from cutting his lawn and am catching up so I can go out a hoe my garden.
Stan Mason
Don Howie do you believe John 1:1, that Jesus was with God before creation, and that everything that was created through him? That means there were no planets, no stars, no previous generations, no previous Gods; It all came through Jesus.
Stan Mason
Don Howie is Joseph Smith also a gatekeeper through which we must pass?
Don Howie
Stan Mason Couldn't really speak to that as I wasn't around at that time.
Don Howie
Stan Mason No, I think Joe's on vaca.
Stan Mason
Don Howie you believe Jesus was created by God? So you don’t believe John 1:1?
AuthorAnomalous-unusual happenings
Stan Mason In the Big Scheme, everything was created by God, or by Something. It didn't all just suddenly happen, show up. To argue it did is scientific nonsense. What sent you off on the Mormon tangent? My mention of Melchizedek? Have you read the passages in Genesis about Abraham and Melchizedek, and the Letters to the Hebrews in the New Testament, about Melchizedek and that priesthood, which perhaps the Mormon sect latched onto? I endured the Melchizedek priest training, which is sketchily described in Hebrews. It was HORRIBLE. It was applied to me both in spirit and on this world in daily experiences. The baptism in fire and spirit experienced by Jesus in the Gospels and applied by him and Heaven to a few people who knew him, and to other people after that. If you experienced even a little of it, your entire perspective would change, and you might wish it had never started, you might try to escape it, and you might escape it and then wish you had not. I'm trying to explain here why and how Christendom, in the main, has no clue what Jesus was about, and all the commotion about who he is, or was, or was not, misses the entire point. He told his disciples in the Gospels that he had other flocks of which they were not aware. What were those other flocks? Were they somewhere else on this planet. Were they on other planets. Nobody has a clue, as far as I can tell. Especially, Christendom has no clue. It thinks it is the only way to God, which simply is not true. Jesus is a way, to the extent he is lived as set forth in the Gospels, Lived, not believed. That baptism in fire and spirit is not ever going to be a best seller, but the easy salvation formula dreamed up by men early in Christendom is.
Stan MasonAnomalous-unusual happenings yes, I have read about Melchizedek. If you have ancestors and a beginning you ain’t a Melchizedek priest.
AuthorAnomalous-unusual happenings
Stan Mason You do not understand what I write here. The Melchizedek Order, which are angels, grabbed me and made me a human priest in their Order. The training was horrible. Reading here and there about Melchizedek is one thing. Being conscripted by them is something else altogether. You will understand, if you are conscripted. Otherwise, there is no way to understand it.
Donnie Spurlock
Mormons! They have the Aaronic priesthood which is a lesser priesthood and the Melchizedek priesthood. They also have a Patriarchal priesthood but it is rare. Most faithful adult male Mormons are Melchizedek priests.
AuthorAnomalous-unusual happenings
Donnie Spurlock yes, but that”s part of their sect’s structure. Not related to what the Melchizedek Order does to and with some people. Did anyone who commented here watch the podcast?
Stan Mason
“Sponsored “ = “send us your money.”
Sloan Bashinsky
Stan Mason don’t ask for or want your or anybody’s money, just paying FB, at its invite, to share the YouTube podcast link with Americans. If you watch the podcast, you will see it is free.
Rick Patrick
god was invented to justify genocide and land theft. Archaeology has revealed this as fact, without looking.
AuthorAnomalous-unusual happenings
For sure, lots of people over time have claimed God sanctioned their misbehavior, and they even believed God had sanctioned it. For about half of my life I believed God existed, then that suddenly changed and I knew God existed. I'd be insane to think I could prove God exists, but then, I doubt anyone ever was able to prove God didn't exist. I think it was Descartes, who proved he himself existed, after some struggle perhaps, by declaring, "I think, therefore I am." He could have proved it much faster and more certainly by hitting one of his thumbs really good with a carpenter's hammer. Before doing that, he would have believed it would hurt like hell. After doing it, he knew it hurt like hell. Being dragged kicking and screaming toward God, and being turned inside out and upside down and every which a way but loose, often was much worse than hitting my thumb hard with a carpenter's hammer. Often like hitting both testicles with the hammer. In fact, I got hit by a line drive baseball in a testicle when I was about 11, and I no longer believed that would hurt like hell. I knew. Cheers!
That said, did you watch the podcast, before you commented?
Rick Patrick
Anomalous-unusual happenings when I was young, I was taken up in a 'ball of Light", while up there a voice told me
"In order to survive, humankind must mature past god" .
Anomalous-unusual happenings
Rick Patrick that’s really interesting, I wonder what told you that? I will sleep on it and share it with some friends, who also have had countless not of the human world experiences, and see what they “hear” about what you were told. Meanwhile, did you watch the podcast?
James Romer
Rick Patrick Remarkable. Dismissing the transcendent and divine in one simplistic sentence. Sounds like some college freshman from the 60s expounding on his “brilliant” insight based on his last acid trip.
Sloan Bashinsky
James Romer notice, Rick ignored his own transcendent experience, what told him that? Why? He ran from it? I’ll invented it never happened?
Rick Patrick
Sloan Bashinsky haha keep poking boys, project your own short cumings.
The ball of light is myself. Me Myself and I all together talking. The inner light of mind that is me. There is no god. Belief by definition is always a false conclusion. es I watched the video.
Sloan Bashinsky
Rick Patrick it took you a few chances to say you watched the video. You are right about belief, in that it is not based in direct experience, but is like like something hoped for but not seen- yet. If you lived in my skin a little while, that would shatter your claim -belief?- that God does not exist. Likewise if, say, Jesus and Archangel Michael wake you up in the middle of the night and have a heart to heart chat with you, which happened to me. I wonder how you would deal with that? Would you accept it, go insane, pretend it didn’t happen? I leave that between you and them and God to work out. Meanwhile, you took yourself up in a ball of light and told yourself that humankind (you?) must mature past god to survive?
Anomalous-unusual happenings
So far, no one who commented here touched the America at war topic.
Danny Domoff
This is hilarious!
Sloan Bashinsky
Danny Domoff like dead school children America doesn’t protect hilarious
Danny Domoff
Your point?
Danny Domoff
Look pal, I despise trump as much as you do.
AuthorAnomalous-unusual happenings
Danny Domoff Nothing hilarious about America at war on school children. Nor about the civil war in America. The US Department of Justice gave Mark Meadows a pass. You can save your cute shit for people who think you are cute.Danny DomoffLove ya, pal.
AuthorAnomalous-unusual happenings
Danny Domoff Okay, perhaps I should have asked you what is hilarious? Some people do find my Tech Bob friend and me hilarious, at times. But the topics we address are very serious. Bob told me last night, that perhaps 2000 people who saw this boosted post clicked the link and only watched 4 or a little more minutes. So far, no one who commented under the boosted post addressed its topic: America at War. I have a bit of history with market research, and treating the responses to this boosted post as market research, and projecting the research like, say, Protor and Gamble does, overwhelmingly and massively, Americans don't give a tinker's damn about America's wars at home and abroad. So, and I think this is a fair question, Danny, if I misunderstood you: Did you share the podcast link with everyone you know and urge them to watch it?
Danny DomoffForgive me. I responded foolishly and ignorantly. I'm on your side.
AuthorAnomalous-unusual happenings
Danny Domoff did you watch the podcast? It demonstrates how a Melchizedek trained priest thinks and perceives, as do my responses to your comments and other people's comments in this discussion.
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